Collection of Proclamation and Commendation Letters presented to SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam from government leaders and officials of cities in Southern California in recognition of his hard work and contribution to humanity.
The SPH has built many temples in USA and Canada and thousands of enlightenment ecosystems around the globe. Through these KAILASA ecosystems, SPH’s No Hungry Home project has contributed to 1 billion organic free meals being served globally, and The SPH’s Minutes4peace program has recorded 4.3 billion+ minutes in meditation for World Peace since 2002 since last 27 years.
The SPH has authored and made available freely 300+ books translated in 50 languages. He has established the largest Hindu University, Nithyananda Hindu University, with 2700+ courses freely available and 250,000 enrollments.