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What is Navaratri?

Raatri means intensity.
Navarathri is the time ... makes you intense in all ways.
The Devi fought nine nights and destroyed all the demons, the tenth day had coronation and relaxed in freedom
Nava-raatri; when raatri, intensity can be maintained for nine nights, nava; it’ll lead you, not only to the responsibility of action, it’ll lead you to the freedom of in-action
In all Indian traditional village, the Amavasya to Dasehra, these ten days, they will not even leave their village.
No decisions, just allow the intensity to boil, go out or settle inside. If it is positive, it’ll settle inside; if it is negative it will go out. But the raatri, the intensity you have to go through, without any decisions.

I welcome you all, with My love and respects. Today’s subject is, ‘Navarathri’.

Understand the meaning of the word ‘raatri’. Raatri means, intensity. Whatever you are, you become intense, during a particular time. That is raatri. Navarathri means, nine of such nights. Whether you are a Yogi or bhogi or rogi, night makes you intense. Neither rogi, means diseased person, person with a disease; nor bhogi, person who is enjoying sensual pleasures or Yogi, working for Enlightenment, can sleep in the night. All three will get intensified in their lines, during the night. That is why the word raatri, which really means intensity, is given to the night time.

Raatri means intensity. Because you become intense during that time - the night - the word intensity has become, the name for the night. How can time make you intense? Yes, time can make you intense, understand this. Just one decision, every day morning eight to nine, you are going to sit in front of me and do Puja. That time is for that. So decide, I should be intensely in Samadhi for that one hour. There is no other work; for that one hour, I cannot do anything. It is already decided. So why waste time?

The reminding, the remembrance about the importance of the time, can make you intense, in every step. Same way - morning, this time, I have to be doing Yoga, no other way. Then why not do it intensely, with more weight, more heavy? Why waste time? So every day, I am going to eat two-time or three-time. Why waste that time? Why not be aware? The remembrance of time can make you intense. Whether as a concept or as a understanding, when time enters it makes you intense.

Navarathri is the time; this is the time, actually this Amavasya to Dasehra, these ten days, makes you intense in all ways. If you are negative, you become intensely negative; if you are positive you become intensely positive. That is why during these ten days - nine nights and ten days - the traditionally you are not supposed to take any decisions, whether you think it is a positive or negative. No decisions, just allow the intensity to boil, go out or settle inside. If it is positive, it’ll settle inside; if it is negative it will go out. But the raatri, the intensity you have to go through, without any decisions.

In all Indian traditional village, the Amavasya to Dasehra, these ten days, they will not even leave their village. There is a ceremony called, ‘Kaappu Kattal’ means they will tie the kangana, sankalpa, the Amavasya day, yesterday. Dashami day only, they will remove that. That ten days they will not even leave the village. They will not make any major decisions, because the intensity is going on, the churning is going on. These nine nights you need to do only one thing; nine nights and ten days, you need to do only one thing - be more and more and more aware and be in silence.

Remember, the concept of time. Now you are sitting here. You have to be sitting here, till I finish my session. Why not sit with a complete awareness, so that the whole benefit happens in me, intensely; instead of sitting in a lousy way. While eating, why not be intense while eating, instead of being in a lousy way. Taking bath, every day you have to take bath, as long as you are inside the ashram, no other way and now it is twice actually. Why not be aware, of the whole action, instead of being in a lousy way. You have to eat, you have to do Guru Puja, you have to do Yoga, you have to take bath twice and you have to sleep. Just these five actions, which are inevitable in you, bring intensity. That’s all.

In your life there are many inevitable actions, like a driving, every day to office - inevitable. Like this there are many inevitable actions in your life; bring time-consciousness into all that. I have to be sitting in this office these many hours, no other way. I can be sitting in a lousy way and be as a clerk or a low level engineer for my whole life or I can be intense and raise where I want.

The concept of time, brings intensity to you and same way, when you understand... The concept of time, when you understand with the boundary of past and present, it makes you passionate. When you understand, that there is no boundary of past and present, it makes you passive. Both are blessing. If it makes you passionate you will achieve outer-world. If it makes you passive you will achieve inner-world. Both are blessing. Even if you understand, with the boundary of past and future, that understanding will lead you to the experience of boundary-less time. So through passion becoming passive; through passion, patience will happen. Through intensity, intention will change.

Understand. I am opening another one door. Understanding about time, with the boundary of past and future, is what I was talking about all these moments - like I am going to be here at this time, why not be intense? This will naturally make you perfect in the outer-world. ‘Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam’ - Yoga is perfection in action - will happen in you; because you decide, I am going to be here, for next one hour doing Guru Puja, then why be lousy? Let me chant the mantra intensely. Let me be aware intensely. Let me be fully alive intensely. This makes, “Yogah Karmasu Koushalam’ - Yoga is perfection in action - that will become reality. If you are supposed to sit in the office eight hours, why be just an engineer, clerk for next ten years in a lousy way? Why not be intense and raise in the ladder? Means, that understanding about time, brings intensity in the outer-world and success; the passionate...

Another one important thing, when you decide, one hour I am going to be here, let me be intense and chant, be aware, do the Puja properly; suddenly in few days, you catch the boundary-less time, which is not packed by past or future; because the present gives you a new opening of freedom. The suffocation-less inner space, that’s what I call ‘Vedic mind’.

You see, yesterday I was talking about the idea of that bench press power. Gorilla has 4000 bench press. Even the Guinness record is not even one-fourth of that, of the human being. The gorilla's body, which just remembers its own nature and functions is what I call, ‘Kalabhairava’, ‘Yoga-sharira - being himself. And this guy who is trying to be stronger, this body is an ordinary body. There is one neck point, where, if that point is broken, the ordinary body just becomes ‘Kalabhairava’, Yoga-body, Yoga-sharira. That point breaking, break through point...

No decisions, just allow the intensity to boil, go out or settle inside. If it is positive, it’ll settle inside; if it is negative it will go out. But the raatri, the intensity you have to go through, without any decisions.

For example, when you are doing Yogasana, Surya namaskar. By nature you can do Surya Namaskar, from Sunrise to Sunset. It’s your nature. That’s what Raghupati Yogi taught me and that’s what I did. From Sunrise to Sunset you can do Sun Namaskar. That’s all. But when you start, by seventy-eighty you will have that neck. ‘No I cannot, no more, forget about it. Eh.’ But, if you somehow push it, by 150 or 200 you will have a break. After that 2000 or 3000 you will not even remember. That breaking point, breakthrough point is what I call Satori.

That breakthrough point happens, when you understand time with boundary. Even with boundary of past and future, if you understand time and make yourself intense, that breakthrough happens into the boundary-less time. Mind becomes Vedic mind, body becomes Yogic-body, when you understand and experience that breakthrough point. That breakthrough point only, your personal computer, PC becomes laptop, with internet connection. The internet connection clicks. It becomes Yogic-body and Vedic-mind.

These nine days, that breakthrough can happen. When that breakthrough happens, not only you realize Yoga is perfection in action, Yoga is perfection in-action. Not only Yoga is perfection in action, Yoga is perfection in in-action. ‘Yogaha Karmasu Koushalam’. ‘Yogah Akarmasu Koushalam’. Understanding of ‘Yogah Karmasu Koushalam’ brings outer-world success. Yoga is perfection in action. Understanding ‘Yogaha Akarmasu Koushalam’ - Yoga is perfection in in-action - brings you inner-world success. When you understand time, with boundary of past and future; it brings you the responsibility of being intense. When you understand the time without boundary, it brings you the tremendous freedom of in-action. Freedom of in-action, responsibility in action, is what I call, ‘Passion with Patience’, ‘Intensity Without Intention’.

Nava-raatri; when raatri, intensity can be maintained for nine nights, nava; it’ll lead you, not only to the responsibility of action, it’ll lead you to the freedom of in-action. If you don’t know the freedom of in-action, major dimension of your life is missing. You do not know, how to lie down and rest like a Maha Vishnu in the milky ocean, being in Yoga-Samadhi; just being in Samadhi like Shiva in Kailash. Same way, if you do not know the responsibility in action, you don’t know how to be like a Shakti, Devi - with eighteen hands, fighting the greatest battle, finishing off all the negativity.

When you understand time, with past and present bounded, you become responsible in the outer-world. When you understand time, without boundaries; you become free in the inner-world. Perfection in action and in in-action; freedom in in-action, responsibility of action - both happens, when you retain the intensity for these nine days.

Retain the intensity about the time, the intensity which happens in you by the awareness of the time, for these nine nights and ten days. Means, from yesterday it starts. Yesterday night is the first night. So if you count, till Dasami, it’ll be ten day and nine night. Retain the raatritva, intensity - which happens based on the understanding about time, for this nine night and ten day.

Decide, this nine night and ten day - everything, do it with intense awareness, with understanding of the past and future. Means, this one hour. After one hour it is going to be different; before this one hour it was different. That is a boundary. This one hour, I have to be doing this. So let me be intense. That is what I call, ‘Intensity with the awareness of past and future boundary’. Retain this, for continuously this nine night and ten day. You will experience, you will have the breakthrough, into the Vedic-mind; where you feel the timeless or boundary-less time, which gives you freedom, which makes you experience freedom. That is what means, ‘The Devi fought nine nights and destroyed all the demons, the tenth day had coronation and relaxed in freedom’.

Let you all experience Navarathri. Meditate on this Navarathri truth. Take your, push yourself to the extreme of what you are doing, like Devi. Become eighteen handed Kali - push yourself to the extreme and maintain that intensity. You’ll have the breakthrough, into the Yogic-body and Vedic-mind - Kalabhairava-sharira and the mind beyond kala, time.

Let you all experience and radiate the Eternal Bliss; experience and radiate Enlightenment. Let you all experience and radiate the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


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