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Bhava Samadhi Darshan

Bhagavan Krishna Describes Bhava Samadhi Darshan

परिकलित पुर्वौ कस् चमत्कर करि स्फुरति मम गरियन् एस मधुर्य पुरौ अयम् अहम् अपि हन्त प्रेक्स्य यम् लुब्ध चेतौ सरभसम् उपभोक्तुम् कमये रधिकेव ~ दर्पनद्ये देखि यदि अपन मधुरि; अस्वदिते लोभ होय् अस्वदिते नरि विचर कोरिये यदि अस्वद उपय; रधिक स्वरुप होइते तबे मोने धय

When Krishna once saw His own extraordinary sweetness reflected in a jeweled wall, He was amazed and said: “How unprecedented and astonishing is this deep and indescribable sweetness of Mine! Alas! When I see it, even I become greedy to enjoy its sweetness, just like Radhika! “When I see My own sweetness in the mirror, I become eager to taste it, but I can’t. After due consideration, I find that the only way to relish this sweetness is through the constitution of Sri Radhika.”

--Chaitanya Caritamrta adi ch. 4

During Bhava Samadhi Darshan, our neurons mirror that of the Avatar.

Mirror neurons are special neurons that observe and mimic the actions of the Avatar’s neuron activity inside us just through seeing. During Bhava Samadhi Darshan, our being comes alive and celebrates with the energy wave of Existence. Our very muscles learn to imbibe and radiate Paramashiva.

The science of Bhava Samadhi Darshan knows no distance - a phenomenon modern science is just discovering and terms as Quantum tunneling.


Benefits of attending Bhava Samadhi Darshan

Paramashiva states that ‘He created Himself as many to enjoy Himself.’ As the present living incarnation of Paramashiva, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism has opened what was once an exclusive session, now made public to the world for the sole purpose of initiating the whole of humanity at once, in large numbers into the state, space, powers, being and superconsciousness of Paramashiva through Hinduism’s most powerful process – Bhava Samadhi Darshan.

During Bhava Samadhi Darshan, as a microcosm (Pindanda), we mirror the neurons of the macrocosm (Brahmanda) intensely. The inner potential energy (Kundalini) floods through the brain immensely. We know this to be the awakening of non-mechanical parts of the brain or otherwise simply referred to as “whole brain awakening.” All simply through Darshan! Wow.


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Montclair CA 91763

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