Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Linga
Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Linga is the presiding deity of Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple, LA. He is a Shiva Linga, an exact replica of the Shiva Linga in the Sri Arunachaleshwara Temple in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Measuring 4 ft in height by 4 ft in width, this is the largest Shiva Linga in North America, and was carved by HDH SPH JGM Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam himself. The Shiva Linga represents the cosmic consciousness ParamaShiva in the form of a light shaft with no beginning and with no end. It is the formless form of ParamaShiva from which all other forms emerge from.
Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Linga is 'swayambhu', a Sanskrit word meaning 'self-manifested', 'self-existing', or 'that is created by its own accord'. Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva and Sri Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti - always regarded together as one deity - are Shiva and Shakti respectively. Shakti is depicted as sitting on Shiva's lap at the moment he is revealing the secret of enlightenment to her, with his arm around her waist, in a sculptural rendering of a scene from the Vignana Bhairava Tantra.
They weigh over 5 tonnes, measure 7 ft in height and more than 5 ft in width and are made of 'panchaloha', an alloy of 5 sacred metals. This particular set of deities traveled all over India, blessing millions with their love, before making Los Angeles their permanent home, where they will radiate love, compassion and bliss to all, as well as giving all of humanity a superconscious breakthrough.
HDH SPH JGM Bhagavan Nithyananada Paramashivam has said that anyone who touches or offers abhishekam to these deities will be blessed to radiate powers of the 3rd eye and with superconscious breakthrough.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to them.
Sri Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva &
Sri Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti

Sri Ananda Venkateshwara
Sri Ananda Venkateshwara is the Hindu God of wealth, devotion and blissful relationships. His celestial abode is Vaikunta, a divine, imperishable realm. He holds Sri Mahalakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of abundance, health and blissful relationships, in his heart.
He is worshipped by millions of devotees every year in India at the Thirumala Thirupathi temple, where he showers seekers with blessings and boons.
HDH SPH JGM Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam himself carved the face of this particular Venkateshwara. Standing at 10 ft in height, this is the largest Venkateshwara deity in the US.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri Kalabhairava
Sr Kalabhairava is the Lord of time and integrity. He holds the key to cosmic archives - the Akashic Records which contain the past, present and future. He is the source of the causal body, the source from which rejuvenation for manifestation happens.
As a ferocious but compassionate form of Paramashiva, he removes all our incompletions and non-integrity, and rejuvenates us as powerful new beings. He stands guard at the door to the temple.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam
SPH JGM Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam is the founder of Kailasa Los Angeles and Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple LA. He is the reviver of KAILASA – the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. HDH is an Avatar from, and is a Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. HDH has made science of power manifestation, yoga and temple based universities for humanity. SOVEREIGN ORDER OF KAILASA led by HDH and NITHYANANDA ORDER of monks, nuns and Hindu diaspora are working for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity.
He is the 293rd Guru MahaSannidanam of Shyamalapeeta Sarvajnapeetham (ancient apex body) & 203rd Emperor of Suryavamsa Surangi Samrajyam (Kingdom).
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri Kapila Muni
Sri Kapila Muni is a 'rishi' or a Vedic sage known for Sankhya philosophy.
Sankhya philosophy forms the bases for numerous other Hindu philosophies and practices such as Yoga, Ayurveda and more.
The state of California is considered as "Kapilaranya' or the land of Kapila, since Kapila muni lived here many centuries ago when California was a flourishing Vedic civilization.
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Sri Rajarajeshwari
Sri Rajarajeshwari - or Queen of Queens - is the Cosmic Mother. She is venerated in the Sri Lalita Sahasranamam, a Vedic hymn of her 1000 names. She is also known as Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari.
She is the keeper of all esoteric knowledge and is worshipped in the form of the beautiful and intricate Sri Vidya puja. As the Mother of all beings in the universe, she is worshipped for blessings of protection, nurturing, knowledge, wealth and much more.
The Sri Rajarajeshwari deity at the Los Angeles temple stands 8 ft tall and is the tallest Rajarajeshwari deity in the US. She is also known by other names representing the Divine Feminine such as Durga, Parvati, Amba and more. She is worshipped over 9 nights with great pomp and splendor during the Navaratri festival, where on each night, she has a different 'alankar' (outfit) to represent one of her many different forms.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to her.

Sri Ananda Ganapathi
Sri Ananda Ganapathi is the remover of obstacles and one of the most beloved Hindu deities worshipped in every corner of India. He represents the energy of spontaneity and intelligence. He is depicted as having an elephants head and he rides a mouse.
His blessings are invoked before beginning any important task or project, ensuring an obstacle free path and successful completion. He is also worshipped for blessings in education since he is also the God of 'budhdhi' or intelligence.
He is celebrated during the festival known as 'Ganesh Chathurthi' with lot's of song, dance color and sweets. Clay idols of Ganesha are made specifically for this festival and are submerged in water at the end of the festival celebrations.
His appealing form and easy going temperament make him easily approachable and wins the heart of devotees across the world.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri MahaLakshmi
Sri Maha Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, abundance, beauty, fertility and blissful relationships. She is the consort and beloved of Sri Ananda Venkateshwara and is seated in his heart.
Laksha in Sanskrit means goal and Sri Mahalakshmi is the Goddess who leads us to those goals in sync with our highest purpose.
Her blessings are invoked for all matters relating to the manifestation of wealth and the healing of relationships. She is often depicted as sitting on a lotus throne and in many other depictions she is surrounded by elephants. Her 'beeja' mantra is 'Shrim'.
Although she is worshipped year round, she is venerated specially during the Deepavali (Diwali) festival for blessings of health and wealth by families.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to her.

Sri Subrahmanya Valli Devasena Sametha
Sri Subrahmanya is the younger son of Paramashiva and Parashakti. He was born from the third eye of Paramashiva, and was raised by the stars that make up the Pleiades constellation.
He is the chief of the divine army, or 'Deva Senapathy', and holds a spear or 'vel' in his hand. He is also known as Kartikeya or Muruga in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, where he is worshipped widely.
He is shown with his two consorts Sri Valli and Sri Devasena. Sri Subrahmanya is worshipped for blessings of intelligence, bravery, valour and for victory over inimical forces.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri Nandi
Nandi is the ever faithful servant and ardent devotee of Paramshiva. He is a bull, meaning only one such as Paramashiva can tame him and can inspire such devotion.
In any Shaivite temple, his deity is always shown sitting in front of Paramashiva, facing him and absorbed in meditation on the Divine - just as the soul should be absorbed in meditation of Paramashiva.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri Dakshinamurthy
Sri Dakshinamurthy is Paramashiva himself in the form of the Guru or Teacher. He is shown seated in a posture indicating that he is ready to teach all who are willing to sit in 'Upanishad' at his feet and learn from him.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

The Navagrahas - or 9 heavenly planets - are worshipped in Hinduism as divine beings. The Navagrahas can be seen in deity form in many temples in India.
The planets follow Paramashiva's directive to lead humanity to enlightenment whether through desirable or undesirable situations in our lives, and to help us finish our karmas when we are in the earthly body.
Worshipping the Navagrahas invokes their blessings to heal any undesirable karmas, any flaws in our astrological birth chart and to ease our path to liberation on this planet.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to them.

Sri Krishna
Sri Krishna is one of the most beloved Gods in Hinduism, worshipped with devotion and fervor by millions of devotees across India and the world. He is one of the most powerful Avatars of Sri Maha Vishnu.
He is known for many feats and anecdotes (called Krishna leela's) during his time in the body, including his involvement in the Mahabharata and of course his narration of the Bhagawad Gita.
He is known for his ability to inspire extreme love and devotion in all beings, and for the protection, compassion and love he showers on all of humanity as the Universal Supreme Being.
Sri Krishna is depicted with blue skin, a peacock feather in his turban and playing a flute. The festival of Sri Krishna Janmashtami is held every year to celebrate his birthday.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to him.

Sri Ram Parivar
Sri Rama is another beloved avatar of Maha Vishnu who is worshipped throughout India. He is the representation of humility, duty, sacrifice and true leadership. He is considered to be the very model of Dharmic living.
His life story is told in the popular Indian epic Ramayana which recounts his birth as a king, is exile to the forest, the slaying of the demon Ravana in Lanka and his subsequent return to India.
Sri Rama is always depicted with a bow and a quiver or arrows. His wife Sita Mata is held in high regard by Hindus for her virtue, chastity and dutifulness. One of his most faithful devotees is Sri Hanuman, son of the Wind God Vayu and a very powerful being who existed only to serve Sri Rama.
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Sri Durga
Sri Durga is the ferocious yet compassionate form of the Divine Mother who slays our inner demons and incompletions. She is worshipped during Navaratri - a festival dedicated solely to the Divine Mother.
Click here to offer archana, puja, abhishekam or other offerings of gratitude to her.